What to Write and Where to Start as a Newbie Freelance Writer

Most freelance writers new to the industry grapple with plenty of issues when it comes to writing. Key among these issues entail subject selection. What topic can qualify as excellent? What goes into selecting or developing a perfect topic? Well, if you find yourself grappling with these questions, it becomes crucial to understand that you are not alone.

It always proves challenging to figure out where to begin when it comes to writing your piece. You have to stand out as a writer to get clients. But what can you offer your potential clients? Most freelance writers who are new to the industry have no skill or expertise in research to come up with brilliant pieces. It becomes easy to get your work rejected by a prospective client when you first start. You have to introspect and realize your proper place within the profession to succeed.

Freelance Writer Types

Two main types of freelance writers exist. The general freelancer can almost write everything, and the specialists- a freelance writer specializing in a specific niche. Additionally, the specialist often possesses expertise in the area where they decide to focus on writing, while the generalist can write about any other thing. However, becoming either a generalist or a specialist can disadvantage you in one way or another, especially in the vicious freelance writing job market.

You need to possess outstanding research skills for generalists, something that you invest time and energy to become averse concerning every subject you decide to take up. You will require the x-factor to transform a subject you understand nothing about and researching to write a quality product with plenty of words.

Conversely, a specialist will get disadvantaged because you can get bypassed by a potential client who wants something outside your specialty. So how can pick a subject as a fresh entrant into the freelance writing space?

Steps of Specializing and Picking Appropriate Subjects

  • Understand where you fit in. it becomes essential to figure where you belong to select the correct subjects for your write-ups. Therefore, discover areas you love writing about and specialize. 
  • Create a portfolio of your work. It often proves a challenge to kick-start your freelance writing career even with a degree. Most clients will prove reluctant to hire your services, considering your inexperience. Therefore, create a work portfolio, and this can entail writing blog posts and articles within the purview of your subject area. You can then display the work to your prospective client when applying for jobs.
  • Start looking for an appropriate job. Plenty of publications exist online that can engage your writing services when you pitch your ideas to them. Additionally, you can search for freelance gigs on sites such as ProBlogger.
  • Keep applying for freelance jobs without despairing. Plenty of newbies face rejection when they start applying for freelance writing jobs. However, to succeed, you need to get encouraged by every rejection and avoid despairing regardless of your lack of success. With time you will get an opening and become a successful freelance writer.
  • Understand your freelance work timeline. It becomes essential to pitch for online publications whenever you want to work part-time compared to other sources when your intention entails working full-time.


Plenty of freelance writing newbies experience the challenge of determining what they should write. But to succeed, follow the guidelines provided.

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